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Paryushan- Festival of Self Purification

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jain festival Paryushan is based on spiritual purification to attain its pure state with an aim at self-improvement. This festival gives everyone a chance for self-analysis and deep introspection. It also reminds us that life’s eventual and main aim is not the pursuit of materialism but to attain the state of Nirvana. The emphasis is based on giving up things and vices, on self-discipline and controlling the wants and desires through fasting.

Gifting during these festivities have been associated with things like:

  1. Navkar Mala

Navkar Mantra has been written in the ancient Indian Sanskrit scriptures  which is translated and It points out that if we want to be truly liberated, we have to give up worldly life. Gifting a Navkar Mala, which could be in gold, silver, copper, brass and bronze, are said to balance the overall energies of the body, making this the perfect gifting option.

  1. Silver coin/ Silver bars-

Silver Coins and bars with Lord Mahavir engraved are used for gifting, with the potential that the metal carries in giving a good return in the future. Not only are you gifting a coin but you are contributing in securing someone’s future which is a very thoughtful thing to do!

  1. Fruit Basket

What better way than to gift a refreshing food basket when it comes to giving and receiving gifts. There is nothing more energizing and uplifting than fresh fruit basket! Agree?

  1. Healthy food hampers

After completing 8 day fast (Atthai) or a 30 day fast (Maskhaman), green gram water/ coconut water/ fennel seed water is given to pay respect and help them break their fast. Gourmet healthy food products are packed in an elegant gift box containing products like Jaggery, dry coconut, sweets, dry fruits etc. these gift boxes make the perfect gift hamper for all those who’re putting their health first this festive season

What is something you are looking forward to most about Paryushan this year? Let us know in the comments below!