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Power Of Promotional Merchandising

Significance Of Promotional Gifts For Your Business

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Businesses want to make an impact in the market and they always look for some form of promotional campaigns. Yes! Promotional products are cost-effective means to reach out to more potential customers. This is a low-cost marketing technique to drive your customers. Established brands and international players still resort to this cost-effective marketing strategy. For small businesses like start-ups, promotional merchandising can help cut their marketing spending and draw people’s attention.

Promotional merchandising is effective and has withstood the test of the times. If you look around, you’ll find there is a range of products – old and new age in the market. Companies around the globe spend a fortune each year on promotional merchandising alone.

These products are usually freebie gifts that have company identity in the form of a name, logo, message, or slogan smartly placed on it. Most of these products include pens, t-shirts, calendars, diaries, mugs, umbrellas, bottles, etc. Anything that is used daily and that will help companies retain product visibility for the maximum time comes under promotional merchandising. There shouldn’t be any limitations on your creative imagination for things to be used as promotional products. It draws 300-500% more referrals from customers who are satisfied with such lucrative gift products. Thus, it emphasizes the importance of promotional products for marketing and brand recognition.

Why Promote Your Brand

Why Promote Your Brand

Small and larger businesses know the importance of promotional merchandising to reach out to an increasing number of people in this highly competitive market. Such promotional gifts with nicely packaged will entice the receivers and draw their attention to the company’s products or services. Such products have printed logos and brand messages of the company and it is to drive customer’s interest in your business.

For the best results, use branded promotional merchandising that people can use as freebie gifts for months to come ahead. Such quality products help consumers engage with the brand. Such unique gifts are nice to engage customers with your brand in the near future.

The thumb rule is to give thoughtful gifts that are for daily use. There are many unique gift ideas such as pens, calendars, coasters, mouse pads, wellness products, umbrellas, and many more. Pick the items that are not only useful but innovative, good quality, and something that makes receive go ‘WOOWWW’ and spread word of mouth for your brand.

The Benefits Of Promotional Merchandise

Here are a few benefits of promotional merchandising:-

Low-Cost Marketing Tactics

Advertising requires a lot of money and not many companies can’t afford to spend money for it. Also, advertising in divergent media needs a lot of strategy, hard work, and planning to help gain your brand visibility and recall. But promotional products designed carefully and aligned with company goals will help you complete the marketing goals, with low-cost promotional products campaigns. It is usually beneficial for start-ups that lack funds and money for advertising, but it is still in practice by most of the established national and international brands. Personalization plays a key role. For instance, personalized coffee mugs or dairies are effective for brand recall and visibility. A simple product but creatively presented will give you better results on your marketing goals.

Brand Recognition

Brand Recognition

Improves Brand Recognition

While you give customized gifts it automatically creates a lasting impression into the minds of the consumers. Promotional merchandising if customized can play an important role in brand recognition. The logo along with the brand message is enough to spot your company. People will easily identify the KFC or Domino’s logo. Promotional products help customer brand recognition and recall. If you have a logo and message printed on the product it will last with them till the time they use the product. Such products stay in your bags, cars, homes, office desks, or literally wherever you go. Thus, your identity goes everywhere along with it. Other than this, even people who walk around will notice your brand and try to recollect or establish contact with you.

Work As Your Business Card

Business cards are the identity of your company and its products. These promotional products also function nearly the same; however, with better results and brand recall. When you give away such unique gifts in promotional campaigns, expos, or concerts, you’re introducing your business to potential buyers. These promotional gifts have your company logo, image, and tagline that reflects your business message. Freebies should even have your contact details such as mobile number, email ID, or social media link. Tangible branded products work as great business cards that receivers can use it daily.

Build Customer Loyalty

You always want your customers should buy your products frequently, and therefore marketers always look to spend resources to build strong and loyal customers. Promotional products are the ideal things to drive customer loyalty in a quick turnaround time. But, make sure that your promotional merchandise is of good quality and mostly branded products. This is because people will associate the premium quality gifts with the end products of your business. And it will be your chance to hit hard into the minds of your audience.

Gain Business Exposure

Gain Business Exposure

Better Business Exposure

Any advertisement is instant and it will pass through your eyes in a few seconds. To create a brand recall, marketers have to constantly bombard the campaign and fuel-in a lot of money for it. But giving gifts in the form of promotional merchandising can be good for your business exposure. Gifts are memorable and stay in your mind for a while, besides if it’s a cap, t-shirt, pen, or a coffee mug it will stay with you forever. Such freebie gifts are an amazing way to increase your business exposure and mark a lasting impression in the markets.

This helps a lot in building customer loyalty, especially for first-time buyers of your products. In fact, studies reveal customers who experience quality promotional merchandising tend to be more loyal than usual customers who just walk in or visit online.

How To Make Promotional Gifts More Engaging?

Since people are always excited to receive promotional gifts you can carefully design your products and save big on additional spendings.

Set A Clear Objective

Before you give promo gifts to your customers, you should be clear about the intent that you need with these products. You should be clear about whether you want to increase your brand awareness, get interested in your business, or just want high-value customers at a specific time. Your goal or objective has to be clear and determine the efforts you want to devote to such projects. Personalized gifts have their niche, cost you low, and gain you highly refined customers.

(Sources: Giftmanufactory)

Choose Durable Products

You should choose products that are durable, long-lasting, and add value to the gift receiver’s life. In this modern world, you can opt for products that are usable such as Fitbit, smartwatch, smartbands, pendrive, firesticks, etc. You should make sure it matches the needs of your customers such as calendars or diaries, t-shirts or caps that can be useful for purposes. Just offering promo gifts for the sake of attraction won’t give a potential outcome. The product should delight the receiver and it should meet their needs. Thoughtful gifts like a sipper can be used for travel or gyming purposes, coasters for coffee or tea in offices, or USBs for data storage, and many other things that will be helpful and last long.

Popular Promotional Products

Popular Promotional Products

Target Popular Categories

Before targeting, there has to be a clear objective in your mind of consumers and their daily use. Like t-shirts, bottles, pens, smartwatches, health tracking devices, calendars, bags, and many other things. Marketers will have to do a lot of research on what kind of popular merchandising or freebie gifts can meet the daily requirements of their valued customers. Like if you target teenagers then you need funky t-shirts or cool gadgets, or seniors it can be health tracking devices, for corporates it could be diaries, key chains, or desk supplies, or for travelers, it can be bags, power banks, passport covers, and much more.

On A Concluding Note –

  • It’s a great move to include promotional gifts in your marketing mix and branded promotional merchandising will create an impact and buzz around your company and brand.
  • Make sure that gifts are innovative and carefully curated. A strategic campaign will complement other forms of marketing like print ads, TV ads, digital ads, social media campaigns, etc.
  • Promotional merchandising is a gateway to instantly increase your brand awareness and recall it. It’s a cost-effective way to measure progress, take collective feedback, and improve on it.

Giftex – India’s premier gifts trade show is all set to take place from 6-9 August 2024 at Nehru Centre, Worli. It’s an ideal platform to showcase your latest creations, network with key-decision makers, and learn key industry trends.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity.