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Ten Reasons To Put Promotional Gifts In Your Marketing Budget

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Gareth Parkin,

You know how valuable promotional gifts can be in your company’s marketing campaigns, but your boss needs a little convincing? Speak his language and hell listen. Here are ten ways that you can use promotional gifts to improve your company’s bottom line.

1. Promotional gifts are a great way to increase brand awareness and get your company noticed. A branded gift or one imprinted with your company’s slogan will keep your name in front of your customer’s eyes, which translates to more sales for your company.
2. Promotional giveaways and gifts leave a lasting impression on prospective customers. A stylish and useful gift associated with your company’s name is sure to be remembered when its time to do business.
3. You can double and even triple your trade show responses when you package your message as a useful, memorable promotional gift. In fact, if you pre-plan your strategy and send out a promotional gift before the trade show, you’ll get twice the targeted traffic to your booth. And that translates to more contacts and ultimately more sales.
4. Corporate and promotional gifts are an excellent way to secure dealer loyalty. If you sell your product through a network of distributors, promotional gifts are a great way to cement your relationship with your distributors and make sure that your company gets preferential billing when its time to make a sale.
5. A thank you gift to loyal customers is a great way to retain the customers that you already have. Make a point of acknowledging your return customers, and reminding them that you exist with promotional gifts that say We value your trade.
6. Put your name on everyone’s back or the top of their heads. T-shirts and hats inscribed with your company’s logo are among the most popular and useful promotional gifts you can give away. Whether you use them in an employee incentive program or hand them out at a public event, you’ll be increasing your company’s exposure to the world.
7. Energize your employees with promotional gifts as incentives. Employees live on their commission and pay, but they really thrive on recognition. Institute an employee incentive program with promotional gifts and watch their productivity shoot through the roof.
8. Bring old customers back to the fold with a targeted We miss your business campaign. If you’ve got customers who haven’t bought from you in a while, sending out a little token that says come back to us is a surefire way to remind them that you’re a great company to do business with.
9. Increase your company’s visibility. The little promotional gifts go a long, long way in ROI. A desk calendar with your company’s name on it will put your name and number where it will be seen every day. Your name on the handy sticky note dispenser will remind them of your company whenever they see it.
10. Special events are more memorable when you include a takeaway promotional gift like a reusable canvas conference sack. Every time your gift is used, it will increase the goodwill that you’ve invested in. Gareth Parkin is the co-founder of Ideasbynet, the UK’s leading online promotional gifts and promotional items company based in the north of England.

Established in 2001, he has taken the UK gift market by storm by the application of modern business thinking and the latest search engine marketing techniques.