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The Girl In The Green Scarf – The Power of a Symbol

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is always something about retail therapy that is so satisfying. Just the simple act of treating yourself to the most comforting clothing, luxurious accessories like, shoes and scarves and in addition a tint of glamorous jewellery, will make a woman feel nothing less than a regal princess. However, there are many people who feel that shopping is simply a waste of time, energy and above all money. But honestly, as the popular saying goes – whoever said money cannot buy happiness, certainly didn’t know where to shop! ­

Being well dressed gives out a positive message to the outside world and instantly boosts your confidence. No wonder they say, the best accessory an individual can wear is their confidence! For all those who haven’t seen the movie- Confessions of a shopaholic this is just the right film for any girl who loves to shop!

A lively young woman pursuing her dream of becoming a journalist, Rebecca Bloomwood’s (played by Isla Fisher) iconic green scarf perfectly embodies her exuberant spirit. Her statement belts, vibrant dresses and brilliant sense of color, is manifested through this one word- “Dazzling”

Along the way, her favorite pastime- Shopping gets the best of her, with spontaneous purchases during SALE, her closet was spectacular, however she did have to sacrifice her entire bank account, resulting in 12 maxed out credit cards.  Retail therapy is the answer to all her problems. The stories she concocts become more and more fantastic as she tries to untangle her increasingly dire financial difficulties. Her only comfort is to buy herself something – just a little something.

Every one of us has a little piece of Rebecca, the passionate shopaholic, in our hearts, which makes watching her journey in this 2009 movie seem so personal and all the more enjoyable. The film also obsessively names the luxury brands — Gucci, Prada, Yves St. Laurent, Catherine Malandrino, among many others — that Bloomwood is trying to give up!


The magical green pleated scarf that Isla Fisher wore in the Confessions of a shopaholic movie, which showcases the power of a Symbol that crinkled green scarf is the iconic item that Rebecca Bloomwood wears in the movie that gets her the name “Girl InThe Green Scarf”.

Being a shopaholic is a full-time job! Fresh new styles are your BFFS, trendy shopping malls are your hangout spots and the word “SALE” can instantly turn a frown upside down! Not sure if you are a shopaholic? If you can relate to any one of the following acts, then retail therapy is much more effective than actual therapy for you.

As it’s said- Shopping is a fool-proof way to uplift your mood and prepare for an upcoming event. After all, nothing haunts us like the things we didn’t buy! Agree?