April Fool’s Day – The Best Day To Pity The Fools
April fool’s day, also known as “All fools day” is one of the funniest days of the year. It falls on 1st day of April and it’s a day for various forms of pranks, hoaxes, and hilarious jokes. People across the globe, and especially in North America, and Europe, celebrate April 1 by playing pranks and April fool jokes on siblings, loved ones, or friends. But did you know how this custom came into practice? We’ll share an exciting story with you.
April Fool’s Day: Origin
Way back in the 4th century Constantine – The Roman Emperor used to entertain himself and his guests with jokes, music, storytelling, and other skills. One day, a comedian joked that he will create a better king than Constantine. The emperor called his bluff and crowned the entertainer “king for a day.” The first thing the jester did was to mandate merry-making. And every year afterward on the anniversary of the jester’s kingship, the Romans have a bit of fun with each other by playing pranks and jokes.
Once a successful prank is pulled, the butt of the joke is exposed by saying “April Fool”, but you know what? You should stop all your pranks ideas and jokes before noon else the person playing a joke after midday is the “April Fool” him or herself. They’re known as Noodle, Gob, Gobby, Or Noddy in the UK. The day is enjoyed by playing harmless pranks on coworkers, friends, or family members. Children can get away with soft jokes about their parents, and even news outlets can add a twist by pranking their viewers and readers.
The best way to play pranks on friends, family, or colleagues is to get some awesome gag gifts. Guess what? They can’t stay mad at you for long, because it is all about celebrating laughter & turning silly.

April fools pranks
Celebration Of ‘April Fool’s Day Around The World
- In Scotland, the day is known as “Huntigowk Day”, a comic version of the phrase “Hunt the Gowk.” Gowl means a foolish person or a cuckoo. And In Gaelic, the day is known as Là Ruith na Cuthaige (day of running the cuckoo) or Là na Gocaireachd (gowking day).
- In Poland, the day is celebrated as ‘Prima Aprilis’, a Latin term meaning ‘April 1. They even consider it a day of jokes, pranks, and hoaxes that are soft and sophisticated. People from all fields, public institutions, the corporate world, and even the media cooperate to play incredible pranks and announcements.
- In France, Belgium, Italy, and Holland, along with french speaking areas of Canada & Switzerland, the tradition is called ‘Poissons D’avril in French, aprilvis in Dutch), pesce d’aprile in Italian) and April fish in English. In these nations, people will attempt to stick a paper shaped fish on the back of their friends, coworkers, or family members. Even the media participates actively, wherein with “fish” as a clue, newspapers print false stories on April 1.
- In the UK, people usually shout “April Fool” at the person on whom the prank is played. Also, the practice is untill midday else, the person who plays prank ideas past midday will be called “April fool”.
- In Lebanon, people play a practical joke and announce it by calling “April’s Fool” the joke victim.
- Although, in India, there are no specific traditions as such, however, this global prank fever is at its peak and people try different ways to fool others and shout out loud April Fool!
Also Read: Gifting Cultures and Traditions Around The World
Supercool April Fools Prank Gifts Ideas
We believe that funny gifts can add value to your prank ideas and jokes. So, here is a curated list of some harmless but really hilarious April fools prank gifts ideas:
Bubble Wrap

bubble wrap
If you’re looking for funny prank day ideas, here’s an easy one. Hide the bubble wrap under the doormat in your hall or living room. Once someone steps on it, a sudden and loud noise will make them jump with shock. Need more Indian touch? Put some chips underneath the bedsheet and ask your mother to sit over. The crackling sound will run tremors into her mind as if the bed is about the crack. Isn’t it great? Try this April fools day
No Lather Soap

No Lather Soap
Add a thin layer of nail polish or oil paint colour to the bar of soap and gift your sister. It will become water-proof and no matter how much she scrubs it won’t lather up. Isn’t it a cool April fool gift? Go for it.
Rubber Spiders

Rubber Spider
It could be one of the best gag gifts for women co-workers. Just reach the office before your co-worker and keep this amazingly scary gift in her drawer. When she walks in, tell her, ‘Here’s a gift for all your co-operation till date’. As she opens the drawer, you’re all set to enjoy the scary movie.
Wooden Cookies

Wooden Cookies
Looking for some funny gift ideas for siblings? Buy these wooden cookies and offer them to your brother with a cup of tea. Watch him trying his level best to break the cookies after dipping them in the tea. Laugh and shout loud “April Fool”.
Jelly Drinks

Jelly Drinks
Whip up some jelly and put it in the juice glasses. Even put a straw in every glass to make it look realistic. Serve them to your guest, or family members. Just wait and see them struggling to sip the drinks with the straw. Laugh out loud and they will realize it’s not a drink but jelly.
Minty Oreo Biscuits

Minty Oreo
Funny gifts for best friend. Call your friend for a hi-tea. Take some OREO and put some mint-flavored toothpaste in it. Serve biscuits with a cup of tea to your friend. As he bites, watch his expressions of disgust and yuks. Full laughter is guaranteed!
Quirky Cushion

Quirky Cushion
Need funny gift ideas for men? Get a cushion printed with quirky quotes or embarrassing pictures on it. Put the cushion on the inner side of your brother’s cupboard. Once he opens the door he will get angry and you can tease him ‘April Fool’s Day’.
Prank Fake Blood

Prank Fake Blood
Your elder sister has been smacking you with nasty phrases, it’s time to settle the scores! Put some fake blood on your shirt and start screaming, ‘my finger is cut’. Being an elder, out of concern she will yell and try to help you. Start laughing in a couple of seconds and say ‘April fool’. Indeed scary but hilarious prank ideas.
These were some of the best April fools day gifts ideas that are authentic and full of laughter. Google it and you’ll find hundreds of joke gifts that will make your friends or family jump with joy and laughter.
On this upcoming April fools day get such funny gifts that will amuse your loved ones. You may even choose from a variety of personalized gift items such as t-shirts, canvas, and mugs with funny captions that will compensate for all fools day pranks. For special people, you can opt for love accessories like rings, earrings, bracelets, or watches.
Surprise your friends, family, or colleagues with the best prank gifts. It’s a day when you get a chance to mitigate all your sorrows and share laughter with them.
Try these awesome gag gifts and say: April Fool Banaya, Bada Maza Aya!